Thursday, October 30, 2008

Surefire ways to increase and gain hits for your online blog !

The world of blogging is constantly spinning in different directions! For some of you, it's hobby; for others, ya'll mean business!

So being the nice guy that I am, I've decided to share some blogging secrets! Yes, thank me now or later, it's all good. One of the key practices is search engine optimization.. in other words.. getting on the search engines good side or start blippin under it's radar.

Here are 3 ways to do improve your visibility and increase traffic to your blog !

1. The Keyword Choices

Carefully select thelucrative keywords to increase traffic to your blog. A lucrative keyword in terms of search engine optimization refers to keywords that attract moderate levels of targeted traffic, which in turn results in more subscribers for your blog.

2. Placement of Keywords

Now that you have hand picked your relevant keywords, the next step is to execute them properly. You need to maintain a fine balance in the use of keywords in order to establish a particular theme. A proper placement of keywords would increase traffic to your blog. Some of placement ideas are placing the keywords in the title of the post, in the URL names of the pages, or even in the permanent links that appear at the end of each blog posting. Get it?

3. A Timely Post

Generate more traffic to your blog by regularly posting and updating your blog just one or two times a day !! Staying lazy gets you no where.. the more work you put in, the more you get out of! You can then ping this update at a particular time in the day.

That's all for now, stay tuned for further updates on improving your online businesses or whatever marketing scheme you're working on.

With all due respect,



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