Friday, December 12, 2008
How to Create Winning Killer Ads & Effective Landing Pages for High Conversion Rates!
Here's what you will learn:
In this post, we will begin our discussion on how to improve Click-Through Ratios (CTR)and Conversion Rates (CR) to improve your ads and landing pages. I'll begin our discussion of ads and landing pages in this lesson with the subject of subconscious advertising techniques.
The Right Touch
You want your ads and your landing pages to find and attract the right people for your opportunity. You want to attract people to click on your ads in the first place...and then you ultimately want them to join your program or buy your product or service ("convert"). Yes, this is known as the process of converting.
As discussed earlier, in PPC Search Marketing, however, there is an added twist. You don't want your ads to attract people who are not inclined to join your program or buy your product or service ("convert"). You do not want tire-kickers to click on your ads. That only costs you unnecessarily and drives up your Conversion Cost (CC). You want your ads to be selective in their attraction. You only want clicks from those people who will react favorably to your landing page. Thus, we are discussing ads and landing pages together in this lesson because they are inextricably tied in this manner.
Your goal is to create an ad and landing page combination that will produce the most conversions per click (i.e. maximize your CR). To accomplish this goal, we to turn to psychology for some help.
The Subconscious Mind
How do you attract the people who will buy your product or service or join your network building program? Let’s look briefly at what psychology can tell us about how this is accomplished.
While the theories differ somewhat, it is generally believed that the human mind is a combination of conscious and unconscious processes. The unconscious is sometimes broken down into pre-conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. Rather than getting lost in this detail, however, we will refer to all three as the "subconscious mind" or the "subconscious." The subconscious mind is where we get our "hunches" and "intuition." It controls much of what we do.
The world is constantly throwing information at us. If you were to take a 10-minute walk down a busy sidewalk and then attempt to write an exhaustively detailed account of everything you encountered, you would have enough information to fill up an encyclopedia volume.
First, there is the physical landscape. You may have passed hundreds of man-made structures and hundreds of naturally occurring structures. You may have passed thousands of plant species and hundreds of animal species. There were certain weather conditions also. Then, there is the human landscape. You may have passed 50 or more people, each with different physical characteristics, different clothing styles, different attitudes, different moods, and different ways of interacting with you as you passed.
Somehow, your brain has to deal with all that information, while at the same time dealing with all the other stuff that you may be thinking about – What do you have to do at work today? – What you are going to do tonight? – Is your spouse or partner mad at you for what you said last night? – How are you going to get all the bills paid this week? How are you going to lose those extra pounds? – etc. – etc. How do our brains deal with so many issues?
Well, obviously, not all of this information is dealt with consciously. There is simply not enough time to think out loud to yourself about all the observations you make and all the choices you make. Yet, despite this lack of time, you cannot afford to ignore certain important signals. For example, one of the people you passed on your walk may have looked threatening. While you may not have consciously made that observation, a signal was triggered in the back of your mind to glance back around and make sure the person kept moving away from you. You probably could not recount a list of things about that person that made you feel that way – it was just a feeling.
The person just made you uneasy. That is your subconscious mind at work for you, keeping you safe. On the other hand, if you passed someone you found attractive, you may have found yourself pulling your stomach in and holding your chest out. You didn’t decide to do this. You just did it. This is your subconscious mind at work for you, keeping you attractive as possible for those you want to impress.
In all these cases, you likely responded before you even had time to think about it consciously. Much of our behavior is controlled by our subconscious mind in this manner. If we had to think everything out consciously before we acted, we would never react to most of the things that happen to us. Thus, our subconscious minds control much of what we do.
Psychology Of Subconscious Advertising
In advertising, you direct your efforts not just at the conscious mind, but also at the subconscious mind. Thus, you need to create materials that not only lay out the logical reasons to join your program or buy your product or service, but also get a positive reaction from the viewers’ subconscious minds as well.
The conscious mind responds to information and does so logically. The subconscious mind responds to signals and does so emotionally. The design of our campaign should appeal to each, but at the appropriate time.
How Does It Work?
It always amuses me how chewing gum is sold in television advertisements (so much so I think I have mentioned it before in this course). Chewing gum advertisements portray the gum as making you more attractive to the opposite sex. Anyone who thinks about it logically knows that your choice of chewing gum will not effect your ability to attract a romantic partner. Yet, the advertisements are reasonably successful. Why?
Recent studies on negative political ads have discovered that, even though people are consciously aware that negative political ads are usually fast and loose with the facts...and even though people consciously claim that such ads will not influence them, the ads still have an effect. Why?
With both chewing gum ads and negative political ads, the conscious mind is saying one thing and the subconscious mind is saying another. With respect to political ads, the viewer’s conscious mind might be saying "this ad is misleading and disgusting and I will not be influenced by it," while at the same time their subconscious may be saying, "anything could possibly be true and this is scary...and because these signals are being sent, perhaps I should be cautious about this person". With respect to the chewing gum ads, the viewer’s conscious mind might be saying, "I’m not stupid, I know one brand of chewing gum over another is not going to make me sexier", while the subconscious mind might be saying, "what the heck, I want to be sexy so bad that I’ll try anything...after all, what can it hurt to try it."
The marketing experts who craft the chewing gum ads know that people do not spend a lot of time deciding which brand of chewing gum to buy. They know that the decision does not warrant that much thought. They use this to their advantage. The advertisements are often even tongue-in-cheek. They are not seriously trying to convince your conscious mind that their brand of chewing gum will make you sexier than the next brand. They know better than that. But, they know they can convince your subconscious mind with the right signals and that you will be unwilling to spend the time for your conscious mind to talk your subconscious mind out of this proposition. When you reach to buy chewing gum, subject to your habits and taste choices, your subconscious mind will steer you to the brand with the most effective subconscious advertising.
How To Use Subconscious Advertising
To determine the things of interest to the subconscious mind, we need only look to the list of basic human needs. Basic human needs are generally considered to be: safety, food, sex, shelter, social acceptance and inclusion, and adventure. Thus, these, and similar interests, are the interests the subconscious mind is geared to monitor.
Fear is often an element in subconscious advertising. "Fear of loss" is often discussed as an effective technique used by marketers. You may have landed on a Website offering something, but the offer ended that day. The site may have displayed the date you were there as the expiration date of the offer. If you go back to the site the next day, you may find that the expiration date has mysteriously been extended by a day. Same thing the next day.
Some sites are programmed to display the current date as the expiration date. This is so that anytime anyone views the page, it appears to be the last day of the offer. While you may question the ethics of this type of marketing, it does occur frequently and it does subconsciously invoke a "fear of lost opportunity." If you do not act today, you may lose out. Even though you may consciously question whether the offer really expires, your subconscious will feel the need to make a decision now while the offer is available.
Department stores are often accused of raising their prices so they can put items "on sale" (while still offering them at the originally intended price). Shoppers see that the item is "on sale" and subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) feel an urgency to get the item now while "on sale," even though the price for the item is no lower than at other stores where it is not "on sale."
I am not suggesting that you use these techniques, but I refer to these as common examples of subconscious marketing. Another common, and perhaps more legitimate, method is to use photos that show a group of attractive, stylish, intelligent-looking people enjoying the product or service. The subconscious desire to be included in this group has an effect.
A recent example I saw was an e-mail containing a picture of a strong attractive man in a tank top and blue jeans at the beach attending to his sailboat, while talking on the phone to a not-unattractive, but nerdy looking, young man in an uncomfortable-looking suit in a small business cubicle. The tanned, comfortable, and attractive-looking beach guy was explaining the benefits of his business to the nerdy, untanned, uncomfortable-looking potential subscriber. The subconscious implication is that the young nerd can become like the sexy beach guy, but it will take joining the program to get him there. Reduced to its essence, this photo is saying to the subconscious mind, "joining our program will make you sexy."
In ads where you cannot use pictures, you should seek the same effect with words. You need to create a strong need for quick action – a fear of loss from inaction. You need to suggest that the product or service is the choice of attractive, intelligent, sexy people. With your choice of words, subtly associate the product or service with attractive women, strong men, good food, secure shelter, safety, and adventure.
NOTE: I recognize that a "safe adventure" is a bit of an oxymoron. Yet, that is exactly what our subconscious minds seek. The subconscious mind is not good at making intellectual reconcilliations and hard choices. Rather, it wants the best of all worlds. The popularity of "adventure parks," where danger is simulated, but safety is ensured, is a good example of how understanding the subconscious mind can lead to a successful product. You should simultaneously make your product or service sound safe and yet adventurous.
Illegal Subliminal Advertising
Speaking to the subconscious is a controversial topic. In fact, certain techniques, known as "Subliminal Advertising" are illegal in many jurisdictions. "Subliminal Advertising" involves hiding a message, such as "eat popcorn" in a film or TV show. This is done by showing the message for such a short period of time that the conscious mind does not see it; but, allegedly, the subconscious mind does. The science on whether this works is in some dispute, as the original studies on the subject turned out to have been fabricated. In any event, "subliminal messages" in that sense (hidden commands) are not what we are referring to in this lesson. We are referring to choosing words and pictures that send the right signals to the subconscious mind, while making the logical (conscious) arguments for your product or service.
Limits Of Subconscious Advertising
The subconscious, despite its vulnerabilities, knows how to spot a blatant lie. For a subconscious suggestion to work, it has to be somewhat plausible. If it is entirely implausible, it can backfire. A recent U.S. Senate race dramatically proved this point. One candidate ran an ad suggesting the other was "Godless," when in fact the attacked candidate was a regular church goer and Sunday School teacher. Despite the fact that negative political ads are usually effective to some extent, this negative political ad is believed to have backfired dramatically because of its blatant dishonesty.
Interestingly though, recent studies have shown that even when a viewer knows that the suggestion is not true and consciously says they will not be effected by it, it still has some slight effect. It appears that there is a line somewhere, however, that when crossed nullifies all effect of the subconscious suggestion and can even backfire.
A dishonest negative attack on a competing candidate, product, or service itself sends a signal to the unconscious mind of the viewer. The signal is something to the effect of "this messenger is dangerously negative." If that signal is stronger than the signal meant to be when the ad is too negative and too implausible...the perceived danger of the messenger outweighs the danger in the message. That is, the subconscious mind of the viewer is more alerted to the danger from the negative messenger than it is to the purported danger in the negative message. Thus, you should beware of using negative attacks on competing products or services, other than to subtly make them appear boring and ineffective compared to your product or service.
Recent Apple television commercials are a good example of negative advertising that may be effective. By using two characters (one to represent Microsoft and one to represent Apple), and making the Microsoft character appear unattractive and incompetent, while the Apple character has confidence and appeal, these ads are a good example of the application of subconscious appeal used to create a negative image of the competition. The ads avoid "crossing the line" by making the Apple character appear to be somewhat compassionate for the Microsoft character. Thus, the Apple character does not appear dangerous or unfair, just more "cool."
Practical Application To Search Marketing
Subconscious appeal in advertising is most effective when the least conscious mental thought is employed by the potential customer. Subconscious appeal works well for chewing gum because people do not devote that much conscious time to their choice of chewing gum. It works less well for larger purchasing decisions which require a lot of conscious thought.
For most things more important than chewing gum, people spend some conscious mental energy before making a purchase. The results of that conscious decision is affected by the subconscious appeal, but the conscious process plays the main role. This becomes more and more true as the price and significance of the purchase increases.
Any time you develop an advertisement, you can employ both conscious and subconscious appeal in your choice of words and images. Knowing when to employ more of one than the other is a secret of effective advertisers.
Remember that in PPC Search Marketing we want to limit the clicks on our ads to just those who are most likely to subscribe to our program or purchase our product. Then, when they do click, we want to be sure and close the deal with our landing page. Knowing how subconscious advertising works helps us greatly in this particular balancing act.
Here’s the secret. In your Search Marketing Ads, use conscious appeal. That is, describe the benefits of your product or service and appeal to the logic of the viewer to create interest. This way, only those who have given some conscious thought to the benefit of your program or product, and found it of interest to them, will click on the links.
On the other hand, on your Landing Page, use subconscious appeal to its full extent! Once you have paid for that click, pull out all the stops to make your product or service appeal subconsciously to the visitor. Use powerful wording that appeals to emotion as well as logic. Use photos and images that invoke attractive people with the promise of social acceptance and business success. Make your product look as safe as possible, yet as exciting as possible. Make it sexy!
This approach works very well in Search Marketing because your ads are limited to words only anyway. While it is possible to use subconscious appeal very effectively with words only, pictures are indeed worth a thousand words when it comes to subconscious appeal. Search Marketing is designed for short, logical, textual ads on the Search Engines that lead to media rich landing pages that close the deal with subconscious appeal.
If your results show that your Search Marketing Campaign is failing because you are simply not getting enough clicks in the first place, you may need to spice up your ads with some subconscious appeal, but if you are getting enough clicks, it is better to wait for the landing page to bring on the subconscious appeal full steam.
PPC Search Marketing involves the use of "Ads" and "Landing Pages." The Ads are short and restricted to words only. The Landing Pages are under your control and can be as media rich as you can make them. To obtain the desired CTR and CR, you must balance your Ads against your Landing Pages. To avoid a low CR, limit the appeal of your Ads to just those likely to convert.
Thus, use logical persuasion in your Ads, to limit your Ads to only those truly interested in your product or service. Then, use subconscious advertising on your Landing Page to ensure a good CR. If your ads are not bringing enough clicks, you may want to add some subconscious appeal to the words used, but otherwise keep it limited. Pull out all the stops on your Landing Page, however, and convince your viewers subconscious minds that your product or service will make them sexy!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Why Your Content Is Important To Internet Marketing Success
Web content involves any type of content you can see on your web browser. It could simply be a web page, an rss feed, a blog, a myspace post, to an online ebook. Content equals web; web equals content. With no content, there is no internet.
In this post, I will provide a free tips on increasing and driving high traffic into your website.
Why is Content Important
Before you start to think that this is another SEO technique that may or may not work depending on the current algorithms of the search engines, please reconsider.
Like I mentioned several times already, everything on the Internet is CONTENT.
The internet is based on a sea of veritable and coveted information. Good, bad, valuable, or anything in between; it's still providing information.
All smart internet marketers know that people want information from their websites - not just SEO enriched pages of advertising.
The loopholes that search engine optimizers have been trying to use for high
ranking in the search engine has created a enormous number of sites that boast
high keyword ratios, millions of irrelevant hyperlinks and sometimes even redirection.
These redirected websites try to create an optimized web page that the search
engines will rank high but actually redirect the viewer to a less search engine
friendly site.
Well, the search engines caught on. The websites that were getting the highest
placements weren't always providing quality information or useful content.
In fact, they not only lowered the ranking of these sites - they even removed
them from the listings completely.
This sent a shock wave through the internet community but the smart marketers
realized that there is only one sure way to convince the search engines that
they were meant to be at the top: Quality Content.
Not only do the search engines love content, but visitors do too. By providing
visitors with useful information and relevant links to other sites, they will return to your site again and again! What's more, they will regard your site as an authority site in your subject area. What's even better is that those aren't the only benefits.
Because website owners are now hungry for content, there is a huge market
for informative, quality articles that other website owners can use on their own sites.
By offering information to these sites in exchange for a hyperlink back to your
website, you get even more exposure, both to search engines AND traffic.
Another benefit to writing quality content is branding for your product or
service. Articles are a great way to show your clients and customers that you
know your stuff and know what you are talking about. Let's face it, there is
still some status in having your articles published on directories and other
websites. There can't be any more powerful testimonial than having a client do a search on your name and finding it all over the place. Content and article publishing
is definitely one of the most positive activities that you can do for your business.
Once you've created content that you want to share, you can outsource this process and take advantage of the powerful article submission services that are out there, so you can begin to make money on your articles.
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Quick Fact On Advantages For Being An Entrepreneur
Friday, November 21, 2008
How To Use Facebook To Earn Money And Improve Your Business
Well, things have change and Facebook now has a facelift. They not only offer advertisers extremely targeted audiences based on their profiles, but also the users themselves.
Private users with businesses soon began to see the potential and power of Facebook networking to improve their business sales. Facebook soon felt pressured to create appropriate ways to do allow such trading activity without infringing on the individual community that was the main attraction of Facebook from the beginning. One result is “Facebook Pages.” Here’s what Facebook itself has to say about why they created Facebook Pages:
Facebook created Pages when we noticed that people were trying to connect with brands and famous artists in ways that didn't quite work on Facebook. We created Pages to offer you a way to accurately represent on Facebook what’s important to you in real life. Facebook Pages help you discover new artists, businesses, and brands as well as connect with those you already love. Not only can you connect with your favorite artists and businesses, but now you also can show your friends what you care about and recommend by adding Pages to your personal profile.
If you are a business, organization, musician, you are more than welcomed to create Facebook Pages to share information, interact with their customers/fans, and create a highly engaging presence plugged into Facebook’s social graph.
These Pages are distinct presences, separate from users’ profiles, and optimized for these presences’ needs to communicate, distribute information/content, engage their customers/fans, and capture new audiences virally through their customers’/fans’ recommendations to their friends. Facebook Pages are designed to be a media rich, valuable presence solution for any artist, business, or brand that can be integrated seamlessly into the user experience with socially-relevant applications.
Don't know what facebook is? Here's a quick overview.
Through a Facebook Page, your friends, customers, or fans can interact with you in a meaningful way, adding content to your Wall, adding photos, and interacting with other customers or fans. You, as a Facebook Page owner, can keep your constituents updated with news, new releases, or just helpful information. It creates a fascinating new type of word-of-mouth marketing.
Before you start to create a Facebook Page, browse existing pages to get an idea of how they’re done. Here is the Directory, from which you can search for a Facebook Page by category or by name.
It’s easy and free to start a Facebook Page. Note that you don’t have to have a personal Facebook profile first, but if you do, this can be your portal to your Facebook Pages. If you DO already have a Facebook account, do NOT create another one – it violates Facebook rules to have more than one account.
Now, let's get started on promoting your business on Facebook!
From one account, however, you can have an unlimited number of Facebook Pages. One blogger said he had trouble accessing all the menu features using Firefox, so you might want to do this with Internet Explorer.
Here are the simple steps:
1. Go to the sign-up page at
2. Choose an appropriate category is for your business. This can’t be changed later (if you want to change it, you have to delete that page and start another one), so take the time to choose wisely. Play with the drop-down lists to see the variety of options. Note that you can make a Facebook Page for a single product and there is no limit to the number of Facebook pages you can set up.
3. Type in your business or product or brand name and click "Create Page."
4. Enter a short description of your business and a Website URL in the "Add Information To This Page" area. If possible, upload your logo as a photo/image.
5. Click on the hyperlink for your business name in the top left corner and click "publish this page." This step is necessary so that others can see your business profile.
ONE IMPORTANT STEP TO MAKE on your new profile page, click "Add to my products" so that you become the first "fan" of your own business. From this, your other “friends” on Facebook will see something on their site like “Andrew Wang is a fan of your business name.” If any of your friends decide to become a friend to your business, then THEIR friends will see a similar message and the “good virus” begins to spread the word about your business, name or brand.
One powerful feature I love about Facebook Pages is the ability of the Page Administrator (Yes, that's YOU) to monetize the Page on Facebook. This can be done through applications (including third party applications), but if you already have the ability to carry out sales transactions on your own Website, simply use a link to send Facebook Page visitors to your sales site.
Facebook suggests that you can leverage the effectiveness and viral distribution of your Facebook Page by adding Facebook Social Ads. “Create an ad creative and attach it to stories in News Feed or in the left-hand Ad Space. Social Ads increase the number of friends who will see the story when they visit Facebook, and you can also target the ads to specific demographics.” For more about this, visit this page.
You can school yourself more about how to set up and use Facebook Pages by going to the HELP area and see all the most frequently asked questions. Of particular interest if you already have started a Facebook Group, it can be converted into a Facebook Page. See more about this in the FAQ link just mentioned.
So, start investing some time out now to learn about the powerful features and potential add-ons to make a Facebook Page an effective piece of your overall marketing plan.
P.S For more golden exclusive marketing and money-making tips, come visit
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Make Money With Blogging Now - Earn Over $14 K Monthly Guaranteed. StreetMillionaire approved.
What up world! We've got something special to offer to you all today.. whether you have any experience making money or not.. here's one that you can all manage!
First of, I'm sure you've all heard of what a blog is. Some of you may already have one!
If you don't have one, I suggest you to start now at: or They only take 5 minutes to set up.
The point of my message here is.. did you know you can make quite a great income solely from your blog alone? all on autopilot? No, this is no scam-tied promotion, it's the truth & it works.
Those who haven't gotten in the game of blogging yet, I suggest you wise up and join in, it can only benefit you in the long term!
You can see more details now only at: Blogging to the Bank 3.0
Here's what's happening.. our good friend Rob Benwell has just released his new e-book called 'Blogging To The Bank 3'. This is the third
revision of this best-selling course (his previous two
sold a combined 20,000+ copies), and it's loaded with
his latest strategies for cashing in with blogs.
This guide is especially good for people who are new
to Internet marketing and want to get involved with
blogging for profit, but don't know how to do it.
Rob has literally made himself a millionaire with his
blogging strategies, and now he wants to share them
with you in this proven blueprint.
See for yourself now at:
Blogging to the Bank 3.0
Don't even sweat, not at all. In fact, that's what makes Rob's
strategies so amazing. Most of them are completely
automated. He's figured out how anyone (yes, anyone)
can set up an automated blog network using free
software, and have it make you money 24/7 while you're
out having fun.
Also, what's great about blogging is that you don't
have to be an internet expert.. or dive into anything technical in order to cash in online. Even if
you're a new, this can definitely work for you!
Blogging to the Bank 3.0
Let us know how it works for you!
If you have any questions or concerns, hit us up at :
We'll be sure to assist you right away.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Getting More Online Traffic Than You Can Imagine or HANDLE!
So what are the real ways to get more traffic than you can handle? Let me unveil some secrets for you.
Here are 3 of TOP WAYS to generate enormous traffic.. more than you may even be able to keep up with.
1. Article marketing. I promote articles that are similar to this one and I use them to drive traffic back to my websites. Although articles remain popular, there's still a lot of room left for action takers. Many people write a few articles and then stop. Most stop because they think articles are not working. They do. I'm living proof of it!
2. Ezine advertising. Advertise via ezines! Kindly ask the owners if they'd be interested for a cross promotional campaign, or pay a small listing fee! You get instant traffic, and watch the numbers grow.
3. List traffic. Building your own mailing list and sending out emails is one quickfire way to get super responsive traffic in droves to your offers. Always, always, always, build a list. This is one of the most crucial step to take!
4. Pay per click advertising. This is commonly used by major organizations. Buying pay per click ads on Google and Yahoo is an ultra fast way to start getting traffic to your website. Bear in mind though that it is very easy to lose money if you are not experienced in this area, so start off slow, but scale up once you have found the right combination of keywords, ad copy and landing page offer.
That's all for today =) Stay tuned for more valuable tips in the very near future!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Coming Out With the Right Products to Sell Online!
1. Product Improvement
This is accomplished by making improvement to the existing product, and then selling or reselling them. By improving areas of flaws you caught on the previous author or creators work, you're then one step closer to making a better product.
2. Identification of Hot Trends
If you want to create a successful product, it's important to forecast and identify what's in, what's not. How? Read the news. Watch T.V, see what your friends are rumoring about. Search the net! If think that health products are the current trend, then go for it! Only through time will you know if it's a hit or miss! But if you don't give it a try.. you'll forever be missing out.
3. Ask Your Customers
Very few people do this when it's highly effective! It's also a very obvious way of actually getting to know what your potential customers would like to buy. The people who will visit your website will offer you great suggestions regarding the kind of product that you can create. You can then choose from the numerous suggestions on offer and go for product creation around that particular advice or suggestion.
That's all for now.. stay tuned for the next post.. !
Monday, November 3, 2008
'*' How to start a successful online business!!
As usual, I will keep each entry short, concise, to the point, and sound.
FIRST, you have to acknowledge that building a successful online business will require strategic planning, time investment, and patience. There's no such thing as an overnight success.. you might as well hit vegas and work the machines. Information technology is the best business weapon today, so hey, go harness it!
What's next? start setting aims and goals that are manageable for your business. What area of niche are you going for? Where can you search for those customers online? How many leads do you want to get in an average month? What are your profit goals in 1 month, 1 year and 5 years time? How many subscribers do you want on your mailing list?
Thirdly, start driving traffic (visitors and hits to your) opt-in page. This is a simple page designed to grow a mailing list at the fastest rate. Get an autoresponder like Aweber to capture your leads. Then create a simple page with a headline, a couple of succinct bullet points, and your opt-in form. Basically, you grab the code from your autoresponder account and paste it into your web page. It's that simple!
Spend most of your time on marketing. It's the setting up of working, automated marketing systems that separates the pros from the amateurs. Set up marketing systems all over the web that direct traffic to your business, and you'll have a business steadily thriving!
Don't get it?
Feel free to contact me.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Surefire ways to increase and gain hits for your online blog !
So being the nice guy that I am, I've decided to share some blogging secrets! Yes, thank me now or later, it's all good. One of the key practices is search engine optimization.. in other words.. getting on the search engines good side or start blippin under it's radar.
Here are 3 ways to do improve your visibility and increase traffic to your blog !
1. The Keyword Choices
Carefully select thelucrative keywords to increase traffic to your blog. A lucrative keyword in terms of search engine optimization refers to keywords that attract moderate levels of targeted traffic, which in turn results in more subscribers for your blog.
2. Placement of Keywords
Now that you have hand picked your relevant keywords, the next step is to execute them properly. You need to maintain a fine balance in the use of keywords in order to establish a particular theme. A proper placement of keywords would increase traffic to your blog. Some of placement ideas are placing the keywords in the title of the post, in the URL names of the pages, or even in the permanent links that appear at the end of each blog posting. Get it?
3. A Timely Post
Generate more traffic to your blog by regularly posting and updating your blog just one or two times a day !! Staying lazy gets you no where.. the more work you put in, the more you get out of! You can then ping this update at a particular time in the day.
That's all for now, stay tuned for further updates on improving your online businesses or whatever marketing scheme you're working on.
With all due respect,
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Improve you business sales online today by List Building!
Listen up guys, if you want to increase your sales online without spending thousands on worthless advertisements, START LIST BUILDING NOW. I promise you a smile on your face for the following years.
So what is a list? Your list is basically a list of email contacts.
Take note though, The money is in your list of buyers, not freebie-seeking subscribers. The only people on your list that are worth something to you financially are the ones who spend money on the products and services you recommend.
So how do you find those people? How do you build a list full of eager buyers who will eagerly purchase the products that you recommend to them? That's what you're about to discover.
Cick here to learn HOW to make millions by LIST BUILDING!
What can you do with a list of buyers?
* Imagine being able to send out an email, and make enough money to buy an expensive toy like a car or a boat.
* Imagine if you suddenly had to deal with a financial emergency. You send out a simple email promotion, and make more than enough money to cover the bills. In fact, you will even have plenty of cash left over for a little fun afterwards.
* Imagine the confidence and pride you'll feel... knowing that you could pay for a vacation for your entire family by sending out a single email.
* Got presents to buy for the holidays? One email could easily finance your entire holiday season.
This is all possible when you have a list of buyers, and that's exactly what I'm going to teach you how to create. And the best part? Most of those strategies won't cost you any money at all.
Right about now, I would like to share with you my discover of adding buyers to your list of contacts without spending a dime in advertising.
Hey, you don't even have to have your own product, and you'll still be able to get new buyers on your list with ease (A bonus if you're just getting started with online businesses, and don't yet have a product to sell).
Yes, these are techniques that work. No theories, no b.s. Mark my word.
Now it's up to you to make the right move.
Cick here to learn HOW to increase your sales guaranteed by LIST BUILDING!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Start Expanding Your CONNECTIONS!
- Get in touch with other bloggers: It's a tried effort that has been proven effective. By networking with others (making friends, meeting new bloggers online or off) , make sure you drop by their blogs and show some appreciation for their work if you dig it! Here's an oppotunity for more requests for interviews, more partnerships in future deals, more “adds” into their MyBlogLog network, more “ads” into someone else’s blogroll (and therefore links back to your blog) — it goes on and on.
- Guest blog: Offer to do it for free, and you’ll be able to demonstrate what you know to an entirely new audience. Gives you great credibility, and of course, most will allow a courtesy link back to your own blog. A free foot-in-the-door to some communities as well.
- Volunteer, intern, scut-monkey your way into a blogger’s graces: Maintaining a highly trafficked site is a lot of work. Offer to volunteer your time with menial behind the scenes stuff (moderating posts, acting as a bird dog for news) for free and with a smile, and you’ll get a foot-in-the-door with the blogger, their network, and future opportunities.
- Get hired: You never know which blog organizations are looking to hire new bloggers; again, an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, meet new bloggers, and open tons of professional “doors” … because now that you’re getting paid? You’re a “pro-blogger”, mate!
- Network in person: Find other local bloggers using services like Meetup, and see if they’re literally getting together to commiserate about blogging or their topic of blogging. If you’ve got the time, there’s nothing that makes an impression as actually meeting someone in person. Tip: bring a business card; Another tip: if you don’t have any, make some; yet another tip: if important people are going to be there, really — try and go.
- Join virtual groups: Through Yahoo Groups, Usenet, and more; then bring the conversation off the group with emails and instant messages. Be friendly, be helpful, and it will pay dividends.
- Cross promote: Once you’ve gotten to know people, you can kindly remind them to promote posts that you’re particularly proud of; or, vote for your submissions on Digg or your social bookmarking site of choice. Reciprocate.
Friday, October 24, 2008
If you're an internet marketer, or run your own private business online, then you should be aware that in order to make real income online, you need a contact list of clients or customers!
Well, today's your lucky day, given that you aren't armed with one yet.
Yes, it's totally free; and the link is valid, no scam, no bullshit as promised.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Putting up a company Website requires many things. To get straight to the point, first you need capital. To make money requires spending money as well. Nevertheless, with the versatility the Internet offers, there are many ways that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.
While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flow, many sites don’t have the resources to spend on advertising that would generate more traffic. Well, you don’t have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.
How sweet it is to have more site traffic without spending a single cent. Now it’s a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Typically when you don’t have money to spend on marketing, you should be prepared to take more time to use other methods. I’m not going to mislead you. You get better exposure with paid advertising, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I’m about to share with you.
Take advantage of online forums and online communities.
The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits a certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss many things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.
With online communities and forums, you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you can offer and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject. With that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.
You can also use newsletters.
Give people a catalog of your products along with interesting and entertaining articles. If you give people quality content more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who sign up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site to check it out.
Exchange links with other sites.
You don’t have to spend a cent for this one. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. By exchanging links, the efforts of both sites are combined for mutual benefit. All traffic that goes to one site could potentially click on the link of the other site and visit it site too. This works well, especially when both sites appeal to the same niche or compatible niches. A wedding planner’s Website, for instance, would benefit by having links to a Photographer’s Website and a Printer’s Website and a Caterer’s Website. It makes the wedding planner look knowledgeable and efficient, and the other professionals (the photographer, the printer, and the caterer) will certainly benefit from visitors that come from the wedding planner. They might even consider giving the wedding planner’s customers a discount!
Write articles that could pique the attention of people who have interest in your product.
Try to write articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados – give information that will solve their problems or help them with something they’re seeking. Good service and good information from you will help cement your reputation and your readers’ trust.
Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles.
When people find your articles interesting, there’s a good chance they will follow the links in your author signature and visit your Website. Always include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there is a great probability that they will go to your site.
Write good content for your site.
Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. It is not a requirement that content should be done by a professional content writer. You could do your own, but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining and informational.
Generally, Internet surfers use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword searching to generate their search results. With the right keywords attached to your site, you could get high rankings in search engine results without spending much money.
All these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free.
All it takes is a bit of effort and a good bit of time. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that more traditional paid advertising would incur. Better yet, combine the two approaches for a slam-dunk.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
• A correct start must include written goals and plans.
• Don't wait for everything to be exactly right to start...THERE WILL NEVER BE A "PERFECT" TIME! Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work toward your goal.
• Treat your business as a serious, full-time business, and it will become one.
• Though many affiliate marketing program grants you the chance toearn while you learn, think of your first six months primarily as a training period. Don't expect large earnings until after you've educated yourself.
• Be patient. You'll work the hardest your first six months or so and get compensated the least. Big incomes never happen overnight. They only come after you've properly shown your affiliates how to duplicate your efforts.
• Formulate a plan of weekly activity and be persistent in following it—if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Sticking to your plan is essential for success.
• Don't give your affiliates unrealistic expectations.
• FOCUS! You cannot become successful in anything when you're trying to do too many things at once.
• Don't quit. The only way to fail is if you give up.
• Think BIG! Small desire produces small results, just as small fires produce little heat.
• Don't complain to your upline leaders. Realize that what you accomplish is mainly in your hands, no one else's. Also realize that, when you see a problem, 95% of the time there are factors you are unaware of. Don't jump to conclusions. When you have a problem, present it in a concise letter as positive, constructive criticism. Offer solutions if possible, too. Not only will this approach get you better results, but you'll be building your relationship with your upline instead of tearing it down.
• Be organized, but don't allow the act of organizing keep you from the most important element of a successful SFI business: MARKETING. Market and promote your business EVERY DAY!
• Don't let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the many positives...and the "big picture."
• Always remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes. Don't let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes and other obstacles, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible.
• Don't be a negative thinker and don't let the negative attitudes of others (even if they're family members, friends, or peers) influence you. All the great men and women in history had to overcome the naysayers who said it couldn't be done—and then went out and did it. Think for yourself!
• Don't be derailed by "perfection paralysis." Realize that you won't be able to do everything perfectly. Do the best job you can, then move on to the next project. Keep learning and keep moving ahead.
• Read books (such as Napoleon Hill's classic, "Think And Grow Rich") that will convince you how powerful your mind really is. Develop the tremendous potential in you (that we all have) that has never been tapped!
• Remember always..."IF IT'S TO BE, IT'S UP TO ME."
Monday, October 20, 2008
If it applies to you, it's time to wave a goodbye to that boring job - underpaying job you've been rightfully bitchin - ahem, complaining about.
I know I know, we're now at time of economical recession, many may be discouraged about the possibilities of even gaining more when most companies are downsizing.. or should we say "rightsizing".Most financial news regarding the economy has been nothing but dismal over the past few months. Plummeting stocks, stumbling, banks, and hundreds of billions of dollars being tossed around in the hopes of fixing it all. People are understandably sweating about their jobs, their homes and their credit.
Good news though, Internet Marketing is very resistant to the economic woes facing other industries.
There's an ocean of opportunity for you to take advantage of now; where in this blog I'll be leading you to.
Now that you're here, be optimistic and call this an opportunity.
Please take note that this is not a scam, and I am heavily against fraudulent activities.
Time to make history.